Postpone, Don't Cancel, to Support the Events Industry

When living in Charleston, I experienced event cancellations due to hurricanes. In LA, wildfires have postponed client events. I never would have anticipated the scope of the COVID-19 pandemic and only now, is the reality of its breadth setting in.

For the foreseeable future, our world is encouraged to socially-distance, restrict gatherings, hold off on hosting weddings, events and other celebrations. While we all face these immense economic and social challenges, the event industry is confronted with logistical challenges that make our price tags worthwhile. We are working tirelessly to postpone, reconfigure and replan events by navigating these unchartered waters via new standards, procedures and ideas to support not only our clients, but also, our cohorts in the industry.

We cannot stress enough the importance of and focus on postponements and rescheduling for 2020. Deposits paid to date are not only keeping planning companies, venues and vendors in business, but they are an acknowledgement of all the hard work that has gone into planning your event thus far. Work with your planner or venue to simply shift the retainer payment to a later date within the same year. Postponements to 2021 may help some, but could also leave a venue or planner’s business unable to support your event next year. Ask your event venue how they can make this work for you.

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Realistically, we understand that it may be too late to reschedule April events but for May events, use this time to have honest conversations about your options. Chances are, your team of vendors already have some tricks up their sleeve that they are ready to set in motion for you.

For events in June and after, the best advice I can give you is to wait. Don’t make any major decisions yet! Watch how things progress then weigh your options. Be mindful of contractual deposit schedules, cancellation tiers and force majeure clauses as you simultaneously dream up a contingency plan. DINEvent’s Founder & CEO, Amanda Lange, believes that “the importance of meeting in person, and reestablishing a sense of togetherness will never be more important than it will be once the virus is under control.” Once it is safe, we look forward to bringing everyone back together.

If you are looking for advice, information or expertise, we’d love to help. Start by reaching out to Amanda, who can answer your questions and offer advice. Prioritize health, wellness and self-care and use your time at home to plan ahead. We will be very busy once the season picks back up. As Lange looks toward the second half of 2020, “{she} feels hopeful, both personally and professionally. As a team, we are using this slower time to enjoy the little things, reset and prepare for a tidal wave of events and RFPs that will be flooding in as early as August.”

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